4 min readDec 24, 2019


Running your own business is a stressful but good career and life choice. little changes may add up to a big idea that leads to a new and truly disruptive product or service.

Historically, you can find that many of the most successful companies today are started by inexperienced entrepreneurs.

Here are some of basic ideas and guidelines.

What are you selling and to whom? Start by using skills that you already have.The key to business success is finding and choosing a niche. it makes far easier to describe to potential customers what you do and sell.

Targeting a niche is a broad strategic objective that affords you plenty of flexibility to accomplish your other marketing goals. It even allows for the gradual expansion.

You will need an idea for a business before you do anything else. A business idea is a starting point for any current or future entrepreneurs.

There can be many different aspects that contribute to the success of your startup, but none are more important than your business idea.

The business idea creates a reason to invest and it also creates sales and profit.

Make a marketing plan

Every business needs a marketing plan. It doesn’t matter if you are a one-man service provider or a major corporation .Marketing plans and strategies are important because they make sales easier for any business owner. Every company must look ahead and determine where it wants to go and how to get there.

The purpose of a marketing plan is to decide how you will sell your products or services to consumers. Rather than assuming your product is perfect for everyone, the plan focuses on key people who are most likely to buy the product.

No Money, No Problem

According to a study, over 85% of new businesses fail during first year of operation. Lack of funding turns to be one of the common reasons. And it’s not just because people don’t have money to get started it’s because they think it’s too hard to raise capital so they don’t bother trying.

Here are ways you can raise the money you need to expand your business

  1. Launch a crowdfunding campaign.
  2. Apply for a loan.
  3. Get investment from venture capitalists .
  4. Find an angel investor

Don’t chase perfection at the beginning.

Good enough is enough when you’re starting. Remember that a bad product can sell if it has good service, but bad service can break any good product.

It’s not about getting it perfect. It’s about getting it out the door, and then adjusting from there.

Being focused on perfection, especially when building your business, can cause you to miss out on big opportunities.

All the extra time and effort to ensure every aspect of your business is perfect won’t move your company forward, and it’s very likely to drive you crazy.

Partnerships and relationships are crucial to success. The biggest disadvantage to working in a new sector is the lack of contacts or any network.

Try to broaden your network by joining business community workplaces. Another resource is the Small Business Development Centers, which have mentors and workshops to help with the development of your business.


Originally published at on December 24, 2019.




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